Over Christmas I was putting together a little car for my 2 year old. As I followed my way through the included directions I found myself getting frustrated with the pictures of nuts and bolts that I knew were different but all looked the same on the piece of paper they provided, and regardless of which way I turned the directions I couldn’t figure out how to put the axle on right.
Needless to say I began going with my intuition of where things should go, and about 45 minutes into the project I was finished.
One minor problem. The steering wheel didn’t turn. No big deal I thought to myself. He’s only 2. He wont even turn it anyway.
Reasonableness finally set in and I took the whole car apart and began again. The right way, and Christmas morning that steering wheel turned.
This lesson in frustration reminded me of the concept of trajectory.
tra·jec·to·rytrəˈjektərē/nounnoun: trajectory; plural noun: trajectories
1.the path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces.“the missile’s trajectory was preset”
I think we all should look at the path we are currently traveling on and consider what this path will produce over time. Where will this path end up if you continue on it.
Your Health:
So what about other issues.
Many people are talking about weight-loss in the new year. I am not opining either way, but I beg you to consider what if you didn’t change anything about your eating or excersise? What would your life look like in 5 years? 10? 20?
What trajectory is your health on?
Your Faith:
What trajectory is your faith on?
Your family:
But it didn’t start overnight. It was on a crash course, a trajectory, that was bound to fall apart.
Your Finances:
- Faith: What if I spent 10 minutes reading the Bible every day?
- Health: What if I cut out one coke a week?
- Family: What if I spent 15 minutes without tv or phones and talked to my kids?
- Finances: What if I saved one dollar a day?
Here’s what those small changes can do to a trajectory:
- Faith: 10 minutes a day and you will read the whole Bible in a year.
- Health: Cut out one coke per day and loose 10 lbs in one year.
- Family: 15 minutes a day would mean you got 4 extra days with your kids (without taking vacation)
- Finances: 1 dollar per day is 14,000 saved in 20 years.